
Microdermabrasion is arguably the most popular superficial peeling therapy available. It is non-surgical and highly effective. This gentle, light peel can help minimize wrinkles and fine lines and smooth minor pigment irregularities by removing old, thickened skin cells to instantly improve texture, tone, and color. This skin revitalizing treatment that uses exfoliation to smooth out wrinkles, lines, and old acne scars.


Microdermabrasion is a non-surgical, non-invasive procedure that can combat signs of aging and sun damage on your skin. This Rose + Honey Skincare treatment will immediately revitalize and renew old, congested skin. It also improves non-inflammatory acne, mild scarring, and stretch marks and helps sun-damaged skin in need of rejuvenation.

Why Should I Choose Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is a fantastic procedure for unblocking clogged pores and helping to eliminate or reduce blackheads. It provides an improvement in many of your skin’s problem areas. In addition, it has little to no downtime, and the procedure is fast and offers little discomfort. It complements most beauty treatment programs by providing a gentle but effective skin peel.

The result is a glowing, younger-appearing skin tone and improved skin texture and appearance.

The Treatment Procedure

First, we will thoroughly cleanse and tone your skin. Next, we will begin the treatment, which gently polishes away old, dead skin cells, which the vacuum picks up with light, mild suction.

Microdermabrasion helps the production of new skin cells through the action of stimulating the fibroblasts. Fibroblasts are the cells within your tissue that alert the body to produce collagen and elastin.

After your treatment, you will see an immediate difference in your skin’s overall look and feel. However, suppose you want to reach optimum results. In that case, we recommend you come in for multiple treatments over several weeks. Our Rose + Honey Skincare team will discuss the exact number of treatments needed based on each client’s needs and skin condition. On average, our clients can expect anywhere from three to six treatments.

Microdermabrasion is a widespread procedure. However, after the treatment, some patients may experience minor redness or discomfort, much like how a sunburn might feel. However, a soothing, calming mask is applied following microdermabrasion to help reduce sensitivity.

Microdermabrasion Recovery Time

One of the benefits of having a microdermabrasion treatment is that it has no downtime. You can return to your normal daily activities immediately and use makeup immediately following your treatment.

Contact Rose + Honey Skincare Today!

Call our Rose + Honey Skincare team at (858) 355-8124 if you have any questions about the treatment, or book an appointment online now. We treat clients with microdermabrasion from Bird Rock, La Jolla, Pacific Beach, Mission Beach, Ocean Beach, Clairemont, Point Loma, and San Diego County.